Saturday 28 September 2013

Eye Candy #1

So I've recently watched 'Now You See Me' (which was a brilliant movie!) and Hello Dave Franco :D Isn't he just yummy??!!

And then there's White Collar's Yummmmy Matt Bomer *drooool* 

Do I even need to say anything?! 

Hope you enjoyed the eye-candy, there will definitely be more to come! Have an awesome weekend;) 

Much Love,

Thursday 26 September 2013


My blog is not only about fashion, I would also like to place focus on aspects of life. Nowadays, people are forced to lead stressful lives just to survive. Finding employment is such a stressful task and we sometimes lose focus on what really matters in life. 

Yes we need to work hard just to survive but there is a limit as to how stressful we allow our lives to become. There is more to life than just work. Finding the balance is key to living a happy life. However, one being able to find that balance seems to be impossible at times.

I know that I am guilty of getting so involved in things I seldom take time to just sit back and value what I have – we have so much to be grateful for! I think to be truly happy one must value and appreciate what has been bestowed upon you. As the saying goes, "The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way". So true hey?

Makes you think, doesn't it??

I always come across images that I love or inspire me or teach me something and I save them all in a folder. I was browsing the folder now and I came across a few images which reflect reasons to be happy and I thought I would share it with everyone. Think of it as a form of motivation and inspiration for the day. I plan on posting randomly like this in the near future so hope that you guys enjoy this!

Much Love,

Wednesday 25 September 2013

The maxi skirt

Hey there fellow bloggers :) 
So it's been a long time since my last post...
I know that this trend isn't new but I thought I'd make a post about something I love wearing - the awesome maxi skirt ;)

Simple yet it looks absolutely fab!


So which look do you guys go for?
Until next time...

Much Love, 

P.S. Don't worry, I'll post something soon ;)